Studying at MSUPE

We welcome applicants from all over the world!

Currently there are more than 130 foreign students studying at MSUPE. It is a unique community of people who came from Armenia, Belarus, Israel, Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Estonia, Vietnam, Serbia, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia, Poland, Colombia, Italy, Syria, USA, South Africa, Afghanistan and other countries. Also, MSUPE is proud to host foreign professionals for a wide knowledge and experience exchange.

If you are a foreign citizen, a stateless person or a Russian compatriot living abroad, you can apply to a MSUPE full degree educational program, or to an international project or program (mobility, summer schools). Whether you are an entree, a student or a staff member, we invite you to become a part of MSUPE academic life!


MSUPE is a disability-friendly university, providing educational programs suitable for people with different needs. 

Currently, all full-degree educational programs are taught in the Russian language. Before the start of studying, you may take a language course. MSUPE Office of International Affairs is ready to help in choosing verified organizations of a suitable cost. If you are interested in studying in the English language only, check available non-degree international projects and programs.

The academic year at MSUPE is divided into two semesters: the autumn semester (September 1 – January 31) and the spring semester  (February 10 – July 19). Examinations normally take place in January and June following the end of courses and additional activities as traineeship, internship, etc.

Depending on the used form of assessment for a particular course, there are 3 used grading scale types:

  • 15-point grading scale
  • Pass | Fail
  • Pass with a 15-point grade | Fail
PointsDefinitionPass | FailEquivalent ECTS Mark
13 – 15ExcellentPassA
10 – 12GoodB, CB, C
7 – 9SatisfactoryD, ED, E
0,1 – 6UnsatisfactoryFailF, FF


There are 5 campuses located in different places of Moscow.

The main campus with an administrative building has the following address:

Sretenka Street 29,
Moscow, Russian Federation, 127051


MSUPE has been working actively at the safe learning environment support, assisting in the socio-psychological adaptation of foreign students to life in the city, and also conducting psychological and educational support to each student. The results of our work influence positively the psychological climate and the student environment in general.

MSUPE Office of International Affairs (OIA) is always ready to help you with questions related to Visa and registration, an education process, accommodation facilities, traveling around local places and others. Also, OIA can help you to find contact persons of other MSUPE structures.

Not less interesting side of international student support: local students become curators of international students, supporting them during the orientation period. It is a nice opportunity to get to know each other well, learn something new.


MSUPE does not have its own dorm, but OIA helps to get a place in partner organizations and shares information about other options of accommodation.


Q&A about MSUPE education

The official website related to the education and life in Russia for international students: