MSUPE during COVID-19 pandemiс

2020 was the year that showed how ready we are to overcome unexpected challenges, work in new formats, support those who need it at a difficult moment. The life of the university changed during the pandemic – all necessary measures were taken to protect students and staff from infection, to maintain the quality and continuity… Continue reading MSUPE during COVID-19 pandemiс

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To international applicants

QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Who is counted as an international applicant? Foreign citizens, stateless persons and Russian compatriots living abroad. Who can help international applicants? The Admission Office helps during all stages of enrollment. Department for work with foreign students of the International Affairs Office consults on different questions and, if necessary, provides the contact information… Continue reading To international applicants

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Learn more about education in Russia

Visit Official website for the selection of foreign citizens to study in Russia to know: the reasons to study in Russiafeatures of education in Russiabasic info about life in different cities of Russia and in Russia in general and more!

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Neurocognitive studies in MSUPE

Center for neurocognitive research (MEG-center) was founded in 2008. Registration system MEG (magnetoencephalography) for neurophysiological and psychophysiological researchis installed in the center. It applies to locate sources of neuronal activity. MORE Institute of experimental psychology conducts fundamental and applied scientific research projects, elaborates the methodology of research work and modern methods of laboratory (instrument) experiment, implements educational… Continue reading Neurocognitive studies in MSUPE

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International Summer University for young scholars from all over the world

9th ISCAR Summer University for PhD students Cultural-historical psychology: interdisciplinary research perspectives & social practices  July, 2021 (MSUPE, Moscow, Russia) Despite more and more Russian and foreign scholars applying the ideas of L.S.Vygotsky in their research, interpretation and understanding of the theoretical and methodological basis of this scientific approach often remains incomplete. Thus, turning to… Continue reading International Summer University for young scholars from all over the world

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Admission rules for international students

Admission rules for international students (for foreign citizens* applying for education in MSUPE in 2017) Please keep in mind that the information below is formulated on the basis of frequently asked questions and full detailed admission procedures and conditions are established by MSUPE official admission rules. * – foreign citizen is a person who is… Continue reading Admission rules for international students

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