Academic exchanges between MGPPU and Changchun University and of Zhejiang Science and Technology University (PRC)

  In the second semester of this academic year MSUPE started a new stage of student exchanges with the University of Changchun (PRC) and launched a new exchange program with Zhejiang University of Science and Technology of China (PRC). 13 people participate in the exchange: 9 students of the faculties “Foreign Languages”, “Social Communication”, “Social… Continue reading Academic exchanges between MGPPU and Changchun University and of Zhejiang Science and Technology University (PRC)

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Training of teachers of a new generation in MSUPE.

On the 18th of May, 2015 an all-Russian conference “The results of approbation of new modular basic professional education program of research master’s program “Cultural-historical psychology and activity approach in education” with the participation of foreign experts in the field of cultural-psychological psychology took place in MSUPE. Among the experts were: Prof. M.S. Veggetti (Italy,… Continue reading Training of teachers of a new generation in MSUPE.

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Student exchange-program with Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

The second stage of the student exchange-program with Sapienza University of Rome is realized in MSUPE in the current semester. 12 students take part in the program: 6 students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of MSUPE and 6 students of the Faculty of Philosophy and Philology of Sapienza University of Rome.  The aim of… Continue reading Student exchange-program with Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

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Independent Enrollment for 2015 Chinese Government Scholarship

Dear Students! The Office of International Affairs MSUPE is happy to share the information on Independent Enrollment for 2015 Chinese Government Scholarship In accordance with the document of International Cooperation and Exchange Department of MOE, specific enrollment regulations are currently established as follows: 1. Category of Enrollment Full-time postgraduates(Master, PH.D). Master & Doctoral Degree Programs… Continue reading Independent Enrollment for 2015 Chinese Government Scholarship

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New Summer Course in SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE – Study Abroad Summer Program July 2015, University of Almería (Spain)

University of Almería introduces new Summer Course in SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE within the framework of the Study Abroad Summer Program of the University of Almería (Spain). This program is a unique opportunity for both undergraduate and postgraduate students from around the world to build their knowledge of the Spanish language through a unique summer academic… Continue reading New Summer Course in SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE – Study Abroad Summer Program July 2015, University of Almería (Spain)

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Cross-cultural communication trainings with the Italian students

During the term, students of Ethnopsychology department in MSUPE organized several cross-cultural communication trainings with the students of Sapienza University of Rome and the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” (Italy), who are doing their interships in MSUPE within the framework of student exchange program. Interaction with the Italian culture is a great experience for the… Continue reading Cross-cultural communication trainings with the Italian students

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Traineeship A. Sannino in MSUPE

During the period from 11 to 21 of November Annalisa Sannino was doing an internship in Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. A. Sannino is a lecturer and researcher at the Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning (CRADLE), Helsinki (Finland). The field of her research interests is the communication in the process… Continue reading Traineeship A. Sannino in MSUPE

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Visit of the delegation of the Department of Education of the Moscow City in China

From 20 to 29 October the delegation of the heads of educational institutions in Moscow visited the People’s Republic of China. The visit was initiated by the Moscow Department of Education, the purpose of the visit was to strengthen the scientific and educational relations between China and Russia, to get acquainted with the actual changes… Continue reading Visit of the delegation of the Department of Education of the Moscow City in China

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Internship at the University of Rome “Sapienza”, Italy.

Within the framework of joint master program “Psychology and Educational Pedagogy of students” at the end of October students of joint master’s program under the direction of Dean of the Faculty “Educational Psychology” M.A. Egorovadid their internshipatSapienza University of Rome (Italy). The master’s dissertations that are to be supervised by the foreign scientific advisers were… Continue reading Internship at the University of Rome “Sapienza”, Italy.

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