Interregional scientific-practical conference “Development of higher inclusive education – step forward”

7-8 June, 2018 Interregional scientific-practical conference “Development of higher inclusive education – step forward” Location: Smolensk, Przewalski st., 4. Organizer: Moscow State University of Psychology & Education Co-organizer: Smolensk State University The heads of municipal and state authorities, the teaching staff of universities, experts in the field of inclusive higher education, representatives of public organizations,… Continue reading Interregional scientific-practical conference “Development of higher inclusive education – step forward”

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On-line Seminar «Creative potential of culture and human development» Timed to Professor Michael Cole`s 80 th anniversary

May 25, 2018 (17:00 – Moscow time, 7:00 – San Diego, California time) On-line Seminar «Creative potential of culture and human development» Timed to Professor Michael Cole`s 80 th anniversary Key discussion issues: – Understanding of culture: from the environment – to the source of human development – Cultural-historical psychology as a language of mutual… Continue reading On-line Seminar «Creative potential of culture and human development» Timed to Professor Michael Cole`s 80 th anniversary

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Visit of specialists in the field of education of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

May 15, 2018 Visit of specialists in the field of education of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education The program of the visit includes the following: 8:30-13:00 – Visit to school № 2107 (Trifonovskaya str., 45a, p. 1) with the teachers of the Faculty “Clinical and Special… Continue reading Visit of specialists in the field of education of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

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Seminar “International Academic Internship of the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education and Foreign Partner Universities: Autumn-Winter 2018/19”

April 24, 2018 Seminar “International Academic Internship of the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education and Foreign Partner Universities: Autumn-Winter 2018/19” April 24 at 17:00 The main building of the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education at the address: 25, Sretenka St., room 506. At the seminar you will have the opportunity: learn… Continue reading Seminar “International Academic Internship of the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education and Foreign Partner Universities: Autumn-Winter 2018/19”

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Academic premiere of the Russian documentary: “The Brain: The Second Universe” with the participation of the author, director Julia Kiseleva

February 15, 2018 Academic premiere of the Russian documentary: “The Brain: The Second Universe” with the participation of the author, director Julia Kiseleva On February 15, the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Contemporary Childhood invites you to the next meeting of the Psychological Film Club. This time we have a special show: the academic premiere… Continue reading Academic premiere of the Russian documentary: “The Brain: The Second Universe” with the participation of the author, director Julia Kiseleva

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The tenth international fairy tale therapy festival

February 2-3, 2018 The tenth international fairy tale therapy festival Organizers of the Festival: Moscow State Psychological University of Psychology & Education All-Russian public organization “Federation of Psychologists of Education in Russia” International Community of Fairy Tale Therapists Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation The purpose… Continue reading The tenth international fairy tale therapy festival

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Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE) invites to the Open Day!

Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE) invites to the Open Day! January 21, 2018 at 11:00 Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE) invites to the Open Day! You can get acquainted with our University, ask interesting questions, learn about admission and training in the MSUPE, as well as prospects of employment.… Continue reading Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE) invites to the Open Day!

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20-year anniversary of the University and summing-up of the 2017 anniversary year

20-year anniversary of the University and summing-up of the 2017 anniversary year December 28 Moscow State University of Psychology & Education will celebrate its 20th anniversary and sum up the results of the 2017 anniversary year. The solemn event will be held on Sretenka 29 at 15:00. A special event of the evening is the presentation… Continue reading 20-year anniversary of the University and summing-up of the 2017 anniversary year

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All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Professional standard of the teacher-psychologist: results of approbation and application priorities”

December 18-19, 2017 All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Professional standard of the teacher-psychologist: results of approbation and application priorities” The purpose of the conference: discussion of the results of approbation of the professional standard “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education)” and the prospects for its application in the education system. Conference organizers: Ministry of Education and… Continue reading All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Professional standard of the teacher-psychologist: results of approbation and application priorities”

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All-Russian Network Forum with International Participation “National Strategy for Action on Children: Towards the Decade of Childhood”

All-Russian Network Forum with International Participation “National Strategy for Action on Children: Towards the Decade of Childhood” 13 – 14 November, 2017 Forum Timing: November 13, 2017 from 10 am to 5 pm (Moscow time) November 14, 2017 from 9 am to 5 pm (Moscow time) Forum Organizers: Moscow State University of Psychology & Education… Continue reading All-Russian Network Forum with International Participation “National Strategy for Action on Children: Towards the Decade of Childhood”

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